
Happy life, Happy guy (the story behind the song) storytelling

                  THE STORY BEHIND THE SONG
  I am not sure how many people know about the song “alibaba”, for me that song is the first pop song I heard in my memories.

  I clearly remembered in my childhood, my Dad drove me to school everyday use his bicycle. He always sang songs in our way to school. The most frequently one he ever sang was “alibaba”. “阿里阿里巴巴,阿里巴巴是个快乐的青年”(which means Ali Alibaba, Alibaba is a very happy guy) He sang that song just like he is the happy young guy. In my memories, my dad always happy, I never saw he sad or mad about anyone or anything. At that moment, I really confused how come he never met something which made him unhappy. He could communicated with others no matter what who they were. So all my friends and neighbors would rather to play with my dad than me. Then one day, I ask my dad “dad, how come you are always happy. Did you think Jim always naughty? Amy is a arrogant girl?” The my dad told me “We can not change the environment where we live, we can not change the character of anyone else. What we could do is change ourselves. You must know how to enjoy your life and how to communicate with each other even though the one you did not like. The secret of how to become happiness is take care of others and yourselves.”
  Now as long as I heard this song I will remembered what my father ever told me. And I have know how to enjoy my life how to become happy. How big your heart is, how much happiness you will get. Everyone of us could become a happy young guy—Alibaba.

