
Live In The Moment ( My exhibition inspiration) storytelling

  After seeing anothermountainman's exhibition, the coffin, sofa and clocks left a deep impression on me. It is said that the coffin is anothermountainman made for himself. At first, I don't like those things because whenever we talk about coffin, it always give us a sorrowful felling. So I do not understand why he want to present those in such a beautiful exhibition. But finally, I know the meaning of those objects after reading one report about his exhibition. In that report he said when he saw a British man seat on the sofa which made of coffin and looked at the clock behind him after he lying on the coffin. He know the meaning suddenly. It also made me realize suddenly that this is a very meaningful work. He presented the coffin trying to convey the message that death is not fearful. Death is the inevitable result of life. Whether you are poor or rich, you will die in the end of the life. What makes the death become fearful is just our prejudice. Death is a part of our life but not the hole of our life. The most important thing in our life is live in now. And the most significant thing in our life is that we can grasp every minute. Maybe it is not very important how far you could see,  but how you manage now.

